
Showing posts from October, 2018

5.0 Inspiration

In order to visualise how the website will flow I have taken big inspirations from Atlantis world, I like the colours used and the focus on the centre of the page. Atlantis World - I intend to tell my story in a similar fashion to this parallax scrolling website, where the water bottle will be the centre of the story and you can follow its life cycle, from extraction to its end place. This website utilises HTML, CSS and JS to give it a unique experience.   The Boat - I liked how this website incorporated sound within the story, I have the idea of incorporating sound at the different stages of the bottles cycle. Another place where I have drew inspiration for my idea is from PepsiCo recycling. The animated video displays the life cycle of a water bottle in a quick and exciting manner, again their use of colours is something I like and may incorporate within my own. YouTube. (2018)

4.0 Detailed Life Cycle of a water bottle

(, 2018) To fully understand the process and ensure that I do not miss a step, I have done further research and found step-by-step life cycle of a water bottle from AngelWater, see below. MANUFACTURING First, crude oil and natural gas are pulled from the earth through large-scale extraction operations. Shipment #1:  From here, the crude oil is shipped to a refinery. Make note of how many rounds of shipping are involved in the production of your water bottle. Each of these stages requires vehicles to burn fuel and release greenhouse gasses, creating a lot of waste. The refinery then distills the oil into its component parts, i.e. gas, fuel oil, etc. Shipment #2:  Then the refined oil is shipped to a plastics factory. At the plastics factory, the oil chemically bonds with gas molecules to create monomers. These monomers undergo chemical processes which then bond them together into polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the polymer most plastic water bottles

3.0 Initial Research

Research In order for me to deliver a product that has value I have done some research and know that my final product will be to deliver information and data in visual form through the use of a interactive parallax website, my website will display the life cycle of a plastic bottle, from the extraction to the end, and display data in visual forms. In order to achieve this I must first research into how bottles are made and break down the life cycle so that when I am creating my final project I have a clear direction for production. Life Cycle of a Bottle: (, 2018) - Life cycle of a  bottle First the oil is extracted from the earth. The oil is cleaned at the refinery. At a plastic factory the oil is transformed into plastic pellets and then bottled pre-forms. The preforms are heated and shaped into bottles. The bottles are transported to the bottling plant where they are filled with water. The bottles are then transported to the store where the

2.0 Initial Ideas & Brainstorming

Initial Ideas & Brainstorming Sticking with the theme of Plastic and after reading through the brief of the competition, I will be focusing solely on trying to combat single use consumer culture, specifically targeted at the use of plastic bottles as they have one of the biggest impacts on plastic waste, I will discuss the life cycle of the plastic bottle in order to meet the brief, however, will also be raising awareness of the damage it does the the environment and wild life.  After doing some research I discovered that a whopping 91% of Plastic Isn't Recycled  (, 2018), so the main focus of my project will be on promoting  recycling of plastics, specifically bottles and at the same time raise awareness. Looking into the boroughs of London I have found that my very own borough, Enfield fell short in the recycling of non-household waste in 2015/16 at only 1.3% (Highlighted below). This is alarming to me, as someone who lives in the area I ha

1.0 Introduction

Introduction This blog is designed to showcase my research, design and development stages through out this project and document my progress. The task for this project is to break apart the life cycle of a plastic water bottle and at the same time present data and statistics in visual form to educate and raise awareness of the increasing plastic pollution problem, I have chosen to make the plastic bottle the main focused of my project and will be conducting further research to aid me in creating a asthmatically pleasing, professional piece of work. Brief: Name: PLASTIC Link: CLICK HERE ​  Deadline: OPEN FROM 24TH SEPTEMBER 2018  11:15PM IST TO 5TH NOVEMBER 2018, 5:00PM GMT Task: The task I will be attempting to tackle is that of recycling and I will be doing this by analysing the life cycle of a water bottle in order to educate and raise awareness of the issue at hand. I have highlighted below the section of the brief I am specifically going to tackle, I will b