16.0 OpenLitterMap

I took it upon myself to further look into the OpenLitterMap and what it is trying to achieve in order to determine if it would work well on my parallax website from an article on Medium from the author of OpenLitterMap he describes it as; "A Citizen Science Open Data Litter-Mapping Game with a Blockchain Reward that enables anyone, anywhere, to receive recognition for mapping and producing Open Data on plastic pollution. All data goes through a verification process to ensure its validity and upon verification, all data is made easily accessible for anyone to download and reuse for any purpose with the Open Database License, and all data is automatically analyzed by space, time, location and behaviour. And, users can receive a weekly payment in Littercoin (erc-20), which is “mined” by producing Open Data."(Medium, 2018) This is a very inovative use for block chain technology and also has a great purpose in that it is helping map out visually the plastic pollution problem, and then making this data easily accessible to anyone. Another Medium article dictates "In lesser developed countries where plastic pollution is even more problematic there is an even greater need to incentivise cleanups and it is even more cost-effective to do so. Check out this image of plastic pollution uploaded to OpenLitterMap today from Ethipoia"(Medium, 2018) This is a great example and solution to how people can actually have an impact in helping towards plastic recycling, along side recycling their own plastic bottles of course.

(Medium, 2018)

Medium. (2018). It makes economic sense to pay people to clean the planet. That is the vision for Littercoin.. [online] Available at: https://medium.com/@littercoin/it-makes-economic-sense-to-pay-people-to-clean-the-planet-that-is-the-vision-for-littercoin-525abcaafe83 [Accessed 17 Nov. 2018].

Medium. (2018). Say Hello to Littercoin — A Blockchain Reward for producing Open Data on Plastic Pollution.. [online] Available at: https://medium.com/@littercoin/say-hello-to-littercoin-a-blockchain-reward-for-producing-open-data-on-plastic-pollution-ff1c29f215b7 [Accessed 17 Nov. 2018].


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