14.0 Assets

In order to complete my website I will be creating all the graphics and illustrations, I will upload them to this blog post as I progress. I wanted to ensure that I keep a cartoon theme when creating the parallax website in order to target a wider target audience, as at current my focused target group is millennial's aged between 11-30. I believe this target group is perfect as the plastic pollution problem will be most relevant and visible to this generation, therefore it is important that they are educated. 

I created the following graphics in both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator

Water Bottle:
This will be the main graphic throughout the page which I will keep in the same position by using the CSS atribute; "position: fixed;". For the project I want to emphasise that the problem is the water bottle and by centring this on the web page and having content transition in and out around it, I hope to effectively convey the life cycle of the water bottle.

Main Water Bottle:


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