12.0 Alternative Solutions

In the event that I fail to secure the location of these reverse vending machines I have done some searching and found a backup solution for the problem at hand. The recyclenow.com web page contains a system similar to what I am trying to incorporate. By using a iframe on my website I can embed the recycling system at the end of the parallax website. 
(Recyclenow.com, 2018)

However going back to the theme of an economy and giving the user incentive to recycle, I also discovered OpenLitterMap which is a service that incorporates blockchain that "rewards users with Littercoin for producing open data on litter. Open data on the geospatial characteristics of litter provide means of invoking and evaluating responses to plastic pollution." (Lynch, 2018) The way that this works is that it users take photos of litter and this data is then verified by other users and paints a global image of open data displaying the rising plastic pollution levels. As the user verifies and takes photos they can earn a crypto-currency called Littercoin which can then be exchanged, this gives the user incentive to carry out the given task and at the same time helps build data regarding a globaal issue where we are creating more plastic than we can dispose of and keep a track of and by collecting these statistics we can both predict and prevent the future through raising awareness.
(Openlittermap.com, 2018)

Therefore I have two possible backup solutions for my project if my initial idea fails to manifest, however I am already liking the idea of OpenLitterMap incorporated on my parallax website and prefer this over my initial idea as this allows the user to not only recycle their own plastic but also others waste and earn something in return and at the same time raise awareness of how others can help fight the battle by mapping out their own experiences and help build this open database.


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